1) I am thankful for my sister -in -law who is cooking...again
2) I am thankful for my children who give me joy and heartburn, sometimes all in the same day.
3) I am thankful for my friends who take me as I am, as crazy as that may be sometimes.
4) I am thankful for my husband who takes me as I am, as crazy as that may be...most days.
5) I am thankful for my sister who is an inspiration as a mother and a person.
6) I am thankful for my mother in law and father in law, I would not have what I have without them.
7) I am thankful for my parents, I would not be who I am without them.
8) I am thankful for my father who loved my mother,no matter how tough times might have been.
9) I am thankful for my step-mother who loves my father and treats us all as her own.
10) I am thankful for red wine and Motrin , in that order.
11) I am thankful for my friend Robin, who is always at the ready with a glass of said wine.
12) I am thankful for the one hour of peace I get each morning, I would like to say this helps my sanity but...see #'s 3 and 4.
13) I am thankful for the mistakes I have made. I have learned how to be a better person because of them.
14) I am thankful for indoor plumbing.
15) I am thankful running water and the ability to turn it on whenever I need it.
16) I am thankful for the Muppets.
17) I am thankful for growing up in the seventies and not having cable or computers.
18) I am thankful for Florence Nightingale, without her I would not have a job.
19) I am thankful for the neighborhood I grew up in and the friends I shared that neighborhood with.
20) I am thankful for the teachers who take my children off my hands 180 days out of the year and teach them things I am pretty sure I would not teach as well.
21) I am thankful for my St.Croix sisters, see #3.
22) I am thankful for St.Croix.
23) I am thankful for the people who have forgiven me when I have hurt them.
24) I am thankful for not being in high school any more.
25) I am thankful for my love handles, my wrinkles and sagging skin. It means I am alive and living.
26) I am thankful for being at the end of this list.
27) I am thankful I can get out of bed each morning and care for myself and my family, for the roof over our heads and the food on our table. Life doesn't get any better than this!
Happy Thanksgiving!